The CMHP Awards 2024 celebrate excellence and innovation in mental health pharmacy. They recognise winning contributions across the poster categories and oral presentations at the CMHP’s Annual International Psychiatric Pharmacy Conference.
The CMHP project awards and awards given in association with Aston University are also announced at the awards celebration evening.
We congratulate all of the award winners, runners up and those receiving commendations this year. The awards were as follows:
Oral practice presentation
- Winner - Nneka McKenzie
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Evaluation of Polypharmacy and Constipation Management for People with a Learning Disability (PwLD), Across the Surrey Heartlands (SH) Health and Care Partnership ICS - Runner up - Richard Keers
University of Manchester, Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust
Managing Medicines in the Community Following Mental Health Hospital Discharge: Early Insights from a Qualitative Interview Study
Audit poster
- Winner - Lorna Templeton, Mogese Abbas, Jenny Bryant, Scott Hamilton, Kirsten Inch, Angel Khamisya, Caroline McLean, Rachel Nelson
NHS Lanarkshire
A Service-Wide Audit of Clozapine Physical Health Monitoring Standards within NHS Lanarkshire - Runner up - Peter Pinkney-Clarke, Martina Khundakar, Grace Bretnall
Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
An audit of the Shared Decision Making process of initiating regular psychotropic medication on an adult acute mental health ward
Original research poster
- Winner - Roz Gittins, I Maidment, R Vaziri
Aston University (I Maidment), Humankind (R Vaziri)
Experiences of treating problematic over the counter and prescription only medication use in substance misuse services - Runner up - Matthew Ayre, P Lewis, D Phipps, K Morgan, R Keers
University of Manchester
Stakeholder recommendations to improve medication safety for patients with mental illness in community care: a multi-method study - Highly commended - Patrick Adore
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Chat GPT versus the NHS Website: An Analysis of Medication Information for Olanzapine
Quality improvement poster
- Winner - Charlotte Bellamy
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
A quality improvement project to improve the compliance with HDAT monitoring guidelines for inpatients in a mental health trust
Service development poster
- Winner - Pavenjit Deagon, Beryl Navti, Beenish Ali
North East London NHS Foundation Trust
Bridging the gap: Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) implementation across Kent community CAMHS services - Runner up - Richard Keers, Petra Brown, Sally Giles, Andrew Grundy,
Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust (RK and PB); University of Manchester (SG and AG)
Identifying priorities for future research and engagement in medicines optimisation and safety research for underserved communities in Greater Manchester: a public engagement project - Highly commended - Hannah Macfarlane, Emma Smith, Natalie Lewis, Gagandeep Degun, David Poyner
Aston University
Evidence-based Development of Undergraduate Mental Health Teaching in the Aston University MPharm
Service evaluation poster
- Winner - Naomi Elias
Cwm Taff Morgannwg University Health Board
Service Evaluation of a New Pharmacist-Led Memory Clinic in the Taff Ely Older Persons Mental Health Team - Runner up - Anna Grocholewska-Mhamdi, Laura Harwood-Lee
The Impact of Prescribing Anticholinergic Medications in Older People with Dementia
Delegates choice
- Winner - Muzen Salih, Amelia Ryan, Louis Ovonlen
South West London and St George's Mental Health Trust
Audit into the occurrence of falls across inpatient wards at SWLSTG NHS Trust for the full year of 2022
Foundation Trainee Pharmacist Project Award
- Winner - Molly Gough
East London NHS Foundation Trust
An Audit Report on the Initiation, Management and Withdrawal of Antidepressants in a Luton and Bedfordshire Inpatient Mental Health Setting - Runner up - Sadia Islam
Barts Health NHS Trust
An Audit on Laxative Prescribing and Non-Pharmaceutical Management of Constipation in the Tower Hamlets Community Learning Disability Service (CLDS) Psychiatric Caseload
Pharmacy Technician Project Award
- Winner - Sara Young
NHS Tayside
Lithium monitoring: Are patients treated under shared care agreements being reviewed/ monitored in accordance to national guidance?
Undergraduate Pharmacist Project Award
- Winner - Adeeka Saad
Aston University
Student Perspectives on Experiential Learning Opportunities (ELOIs) in Mental Health
Awards in association with Aston University
Celia Feetam Memorial Award
This award recognises the student with the best overall performance in Aston University’s Postgraduate Certificate in Psychiatric Therapeutics each year. The Celia Feetam award was named in recognition of the extensive and valued contribution made by Celia Feetam to the higher education of so many specialist pharmacists.
- Winner - Sarah Case
Dunedin and Wakari Hospitals, Te Whatu Ora Southern
Helen Tennant Award
This prize is awarded by the Board of Examiners of Aston University on behalf of the College of Mental Health Pharmacy in memory of Helen Tennant, who was in the first cohort of mental health pharmacists to gain the Diploma in Psychiatric Pharmacy from Aston University in 2001. It is awarded each year to the student with the best overall performance in the Postgraduate Diploma in Psychiatric Pharmacy at Aston University.
- Winner - Alun Morgan
Hywel Dda University Health Board
The awards were presented by CMHP President Karen Shuker. She said:
“The awards highlight the innovative and quality work that is being done in the field of mental health pharmacy. Congratulations to everyone who presented a poster or presentation at the conference. It was fantastic to be able to celebrate the winning entries.”