The College supports research for the benefit of service users. At our annual conference, we recognise achievements in innovation and research that will improve quality and have a positive impact on patient care.
The 2021 winners and runners up are as follows:
Best oral practice presentation award
- Winner – Katherine Hosseini
Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Can Proactive Pharmacy Input in Community Mental Health Teams (CMHTs) Reduce Inpatient Admissions and Occupied Bed Days (OBDs) Used? - Runner up – Wael Khawagi
University of Manchester
Developing and Implementing Mental Health Prescribing Safety Indicators Using a Mixed-Method Approach
Audit poster award
- Winner – Nicola Greenhalgh
North East London NHS Foundation Trust
Audit of the Use of Short Acting IM injections - Runner up – Sacheev Patel
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Trust Wide Mental Health Act (MHA) Consent to Treatment (CTT) compliance Audit March 2020 – April 2020 - Highly commended – Kirstie Hill, Rhys Jenkins, Sue Jones, Dafydd Thomas
Swansea Bay University Health Board
Evaluating the prescribing and monitoring of antipsychotics in a Swansea GP practice
Original research poster award
- Winner - Heather Kelly, Gazala Akram, Marianne Van-De-L’Isle, Dr Amanda McLean, Chris Miller
NHS Lothian
An exploration of the barriers and enablers to the initiation of clozapine in the community: A qualitative study using the Theoretical Domains Framework - Runner up – Nicola Greenhalgh
North East London NHS Foundation Trust
Relationship between Ethnicity and the Use of short acting Intramuscular Injections - Highly commended - Raj Badhan, Roz Gittins
Aston University
An approach to optimise methadone treatment throughout the peri-natal period using pharmacokinetics guided virtual-clinical trials.
Service evaluation or development poster award
- Winner – Joshua Dunn, Sara Traynor
Cumbria, Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
The Role of a Pharmacy Technician with a Community Treatment Team (CTT)
- Runner up – Nikki Holmes
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Does changing brand and form of clozapine change plasma levels? - A case series
Undergraduate pharmacy project award
- Winner – Danielle Lee, Supervisors Richard N Keers, Esther Tunkel
University of Manchester
Evaluation of Depot Antipsychotic Medication incident reports within a mental health trust to facilitate quality improvement - Commended - Amelia Monsey
University of Lincoln & Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Pre-registration pharmacist project award
- Winner - Ninoslav Majkic, Supervisor Louise Manousos
Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board
Audit of Medical reviews of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in GP Practice
Helen Tennant Award
This prize is awarded by the Board of Examiners of Aston University on behalf of the College of Mental Health Pharmacy in memory of Helen Tennant, a keen and active member of the Group, who was in the first cohort of mental health pharmacists to gain the Diploma in Psychiatric Pharmacy from Aston University in 2001.
It is awarded each year to the student with the best overall performance in the Postgraduate Diploma in Psychiatric Pharmacy at Aston University.
- Winner - Elizabeth Dobson
Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Celia Feetam Award
Aston University created this award in 2018 to recognise the student with the best overall performance in the postgraduate Certificate in Psychiatric Therapeutics each year. The Celia Feetam Award was named in recognition of the extensive and valued contribution made by Celia to the higher education of so many specialist pharmacists.
Celia sadly passed away early this year and in her memory the College of Mental Health Pharmacy and Aston have agreed that this award will be adopted from 2022 onwards by CMHP. It will be called the Celia Feetam Memorial Award and will be awarded by CMHP to the highest performing certificate student each year.
- Winner - Claire Galbraith
Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
The awards were presented by CMHP President Ciara Ni Dhubhlaing at our annual conference. She said:
“The oral and poster presentations at our conference this year demonstrate that the show goes on and so many colleague somehow managed to continue to progress research in mental health pharmacy in spite of the press of the pandemic. The quality of work submitted was once again high. Huge congratulations to everyone who presented regardless of whether they were successful in receiving an award.”
- Best oral practice presentation award, winner – Katherine Hosseini; award collected by Michelle Lad
- Best oral practice presentation award, runner up – Wael Khawagi
- Audit poster award, winner – Nicola Greenhalgh
- Audit poster award, runner up – Sacheev Patel
- Audit poster award, highly commended – Sue Jones
- Service evaluation or development poster award, winner – Joshua Dunn
- Service evaluation or development poster award, runner up – Nikki Holmes
- Original research poster award, winner – Heather Kelly
- Original research poster award, runner up – Nicola Greenhalgh
- Original research poster award, highly commended – Raj Badhan (with Roz Gittins – pictured)
- Pre-registration pharmacist project award, winner – Ninoslav Majkic
- Undergraduate pharmacy project award, winner – Danielle Lee; Supervisor Richard N Keers (pictured) collected the award on her behalf
- Celia Feetam Memorial Award – Claire Galbraith
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