Credentialing process

On this page:

Outline of credentialing process

  • A call for credentialing will usually be sent out at the beginning of the year.
  • From 2024, there are no fixed closing dates for portfolio submissions. Instead, we will accept applications at any time of the year.
  • Once you have decided that you will be submitting you need to complete the Credentialing application form and complete the payment for the submission
  • Once this is has been processed the registrar will contact you with the link to a Dropbox for your individual submission
    • The Dropbox will be open to you until the submission deadline
    • Within the Dropbox there will be four folders for you to place any documents or files for each of the four portfolios
    • The process is supportive and the registrar will provide some feedback to help where evidence may need adjusting to meet the required competencies
  • The portfolio will be assessed by a minimum of three credentialed members
  • Portfolios that meet the competencies will then be passed to the viva stage and the individual will be contacted to arrange the viva date.
  • Where portfolios are not currently meeting the competencies support will be provided to help with resubmission.


To apply to become a full, credentialed member of the College you first must be an associate member. For full membership you will need to demonstrate one of the following:

  • 5 years active experience in psychiatric pharmacy practice, or
  • 3 years active experience and a pass on the Aston University Postgraduate Diploma in Psychiatric Pharmacy Therapeutics, or
  • 3 years experience and an MSc which contains a large psychiatric component, or
  • experience and knowledge gained through the Foundation Certificate pathway.

In addition, full membership requires the demonstration of a wide range of competencies, which are assessed through the presentation of a portfolio of evidence and by performance at a viva.

Dates for portfolio submission and vivas

From 2024, the CMHP has decided to remove the formal call for credentialing and portfolio deadlines and instead will accept applications at any time of the year. Please get in contact with [email protected] if you want any details about the changes or are interested in credentialing or undertaking the foundation certificate.

Evidence required

Applicants are asked to submit their evidence in four portfolio files incorporating information and tasks as specified.

For details of the competencies to be assessed in these files, please see the Competencies page.

Those who wish to submit alternative examples of evidence which meet the competencies are encouraged to do so. These will be individually considered by the council.

Download the credentialing application form and related proformas: 

With thanks to Aston University for granting permission for CMHP to use these supporting materials.

Before submission of your portfolio you must gather and provide evidence for each competency either by completing each of the portfolio files or providing alternative evidence.

To arrange the submission of your portfolio, or if you have any queries about the process, please contact the CMHP Registrar on [email protected].

After submission of your portfolio, copies will be sent to the credentialing panel for assessment prior to approval being given to progress to viva. You will be sent feedback on your portfolio from the credentialing panel, and they may ask for additional details or further clarification on your submission before a viva is arranged.

Portfolio Guidance

  • When completing all of your entries assume that the panel knows nothing about you or your role
  • Think about the structure of your portfolio to make it easy to follow for the assessors, when submitting you will submit each file into a documents folder. There isn’t a specific format requested but ensure all attachments or other documents are clearly titled and identifiable in any accounts.
  • Where word counts are provided the accounts given should be within 10% of the word count, resubmission of entries is often required due to word counts well below that requested
  • Within word counts you can utilise tools such as tables, figures or diagrams if it is felt that might be a better way to demonstrate the required competency. Words included in these will count towards the word count
  • Where there isn’t a word count ensure that your entry still meets the requirements of the portfolio and competencies. For example, in entries asking for written evidence or presentations a short summary of the background/context and your role in that evidence along with any feedback or reflection of the event would be required to demonstrate your role in it.
  • Where including work that was done with others, as part of staff development or as part of wider piece of work such as service development, ensure your individual role in the evidence provided is clear.
  • Please ensure evidence is provided to back up your entry particularly if you are referencing it in your entry. For example if you describe a memo, paper or guideline you have referenced please ensure a copy of it is included in your portfolio.
  • Whilst there may be cases where one piece of evidence feels applicable to multiple portfolios or files try as much as possible not to reuse lots of work across portfolios as it may make it difficult to assess the breadth or your knowledge and experience.
  • If unclear on any step please contact the registrar via [email protected]

Credentialing fee

The credentialing fee of £300 is payable at the time of application and not refundable except at the discretion of the Registrar/CMHP Council who may give consideration to extenuating circumstances if applicable.  The credentialing fee is set by Council each year (£300 in 2021-22).

Where credentialing candidates are unsuccessful in progressing to viva, the Registrar and portfolio assessment panel may recommend that they resubmit with the next cohort.

If substantial amendments are required to the portfolio, a second payment of the credentialing fee may be required to reflect the work involved in assessing the portfolio.

If amendments are not extensive, an additional fee may not be required. The decision as to the requirement for re-payment of the credentialing fee will be at the discretion of the assessment panel.

Where a candidate defers for one year or more, the application will be treated as a new submission and repayment of fees applies. The decision as to the requirement for re-payment of the credentialing fee will be at the discretion of the assessment panel who may give consideration to extenuating circumstances if applicable.