Saturday highlights 2016

Saturday morning

Oral presentations

  • Causes of medication administration errors in a mental health hospital. Richard Keers.

For background reading on this topic, please see: Causes of Medication Administration Errors in Hospitals: a Systematic Review of Quantitative and Qualitative EvidenceKeers, R.N., Williams, S.D., Cooke, J. et al. Drug Saf (2013) 36: 1045. 

  • People with intellectual disabilities and the medication use process. Bernadette Flood.

"Latest from  : need holistic and individualised Meds optimisation for those with intellectual disability - key role for pharmacy" - Twitter

  • Assessing the impact of pharmacist counselling on patient knowledge of clozapine. Ciara Ni Dhubhlaing.

"Repeated Pharmacist counselling improves patients' clozapine knowledge."

  • Mental health stigma held in pharmacy practice. Denise Taylor

"Improve communication with community pharmacy colleagues to reduce stigma."

  • Mixed methods analysis of clozapine medication errors reported to the NRLS. Matthew Elswood and Keval Dabba.

"Commit to do one thing to improve clozapine safety."

Professor L Cohen Primary Care Issues - USA. Professor Larry Cohen,Professor of Pharmacotherapy, University of North Texas System College of Pharmacy

Professor Cohen's presentation is available for members in the members' area:  Conference presentations from 2016

carlhoveyPrimary Care Issues - London.  Carl Holvey, Lead Clinical and Deputy Chief Pharmacist, South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust

Carl Holvey has kindly given us permission to publish his presentation here:

Primary care mental health services

Community Pharmacist Experience: Jordi Morral, Community Pharmacist, Hon Research Fellow, University of Bradford

Kim Morral received the 2015 CMHP research award.

Kim and Jodi Morral have kindly give us permission to publish their presentation:

Community pharmacy experience of mental health


  • Systems leadership - Matt Elswood.

Matt has kindly give us permission to publish his presentation: Systems leadership

  • Perinatal Mental Health - Marion Wetherill

Marion's presentation  is available on a password protected page for delegates of the conference:  2016 Conference presentations for delegates

Members can view Marion's presentation in the members' area:  Conference presentations from 2016