Fees for membership, CMHP courses, credentialing or re-credentialing can be made by bank transfer, cheque or via Paypal.
Cheque payment
Cheques should be addressed to College of Mental Health Pharmacy and sent to:
23 Southway
Burgess Hill
West Sussex RH15 9SY
It would be helpful if you could please include details of what your payment is for (e.g. credentialing fee) and a contact email address.
Bank transfer
Members can log into the website for our bank account details to make a payment. Please visit: Making a payment - info for members
Paypal options
Please follow the relevant links below to pay for credentialing, recredentialing or to make a donation to the College.
- Recredentialing fee - £75
- Credentialing fee - £300
- Foundation certificate - £100
- Registration renewal - £50
Please only use this option if you do not have a recurring payment set up
- Donation or miscellaneous payment