CMHP is delighted to announce that Jennifer Southern has been appointed Fellow of the College of Mental Health Pharmacy in recognition of her exceptional contribution to the field of mental health pharmacy.
Jennifer is Senior Clinical Pharmacist for the Delamere and Vale House Community Mental Health Teams, Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. She has been a credentialed member of CMHP since 2010, and previously served on CMHP Council for a period from 2012. In 2020 she was awarded distinction by Aston University for her MSc research on clozapine discontinuation.
The nomination for Jennifer said: “Jennifer has shown outstanding commitment and dedication to the practice and education of mental health pharmacy and is a loyal CMHP member, sharing her expert knowledge locally across all disciplines as well as nationally. She pours her heart into this for patient care and has demonstrated significant impact in her work.”
CMHP President Roz Gittins said:
“It was a privilege to announce that Jennifer is now a Fellow of the College of Mental Health Pharmacy at our 2022 Conference. A Fellowship is only awarded to individuals who have made a significant and persistent contribution to the field of mental health pharmacy. Jennifer has been actively involved with the CMHP for many years and she is a well-respected colleague. She continues to show outstanding commitment and dedication to the practice and education of mental health pharmacy and is now able to use the post nominals FCMHP.”
Jennifer was invited to comment on receiving the Fellowship and she said:
"I am honoured to become a Fellow of CMHP and join such a select and illustrious group of people, some of whom have been so influential in my development as a specialist mental health pharmacist. From the start of my career I have loved mental health pharmacy and could see the difference and value a pharmacist could bring to the care of individuals. True medicines optimisation, shared decision making and medicines education are core to my practice and my MSc research highlighted the importance of this to me. The opportunity to be involved in various clinics, groups, recovery college and to teach other professionals is rewarding. Our introduction of mental health in-reach with the pharmacy team at a local acute trust has built their confidence about mental health and led to some brilliant interventions. I am proud to be part of this innovative work to improve patient experience and care. I am passionate about providing reliable, reputable information and giving people time to discuss their medicines concerns. It is a pleasure to share my knowledge and expertise to the benefit of others, I am delighted to accept the Fellowship in recognition of this. I will continue to help and support both service users and those providing care to manage medicines optimally."
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