CMHP Awards 2022

We celebrated achievements in innovation and research at our annual conference in October. Our award winners presented excellent work which will improve quality and have a positive impact on patient care.

The 2022 winners and runners up are as follows:

Best oral practice presentation award

  • Winner – Fatima Alshaikhmubarak
    University of Manchester
    Towards the Development of a Prioritisation Tool for Inpatient Clinical Pharmacy Services: A Systematic Review of Predictors for Drug Related Problems in Mental Health Inpatient Settings
  • Runner up – Andrea Burke
    St Patrick’s University Hospital
    Implementation and Evaluation of STOPP/START Criteria to Address Polypharmacy in Older Adults in an Inpatient Psychiatric Setting

Audit poster award

  • Winner – Suzanne O'Sullivan
    Western Health and Social Care Trust
    Lithium Blood Monitoring Audit

Service development/evaluation poster award

  • Winner – Suzanne O'Sullivan
    Western Health and Social Care Trust
    Regional Buvidal Care Pathway for Northern Ireland 
  • Commended  – Nathalie Berry
    Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
    Evaluation of a Clinical Pharmacy Technician’s input providing increased pharmacy support to Adult Local Mental Health Teams (LMHT) 
  • Commended - Karen Shepherd and Rosie Clough  
    Implementing a pharmacy technician-led dispensary for substance misuse 

Original research poster award

  • Winner - Nicola Greenhalgh, Rose Akinnola and Sandeesh Garcha 
    Essex Partnership University NHS Trust (NG) and North East London NHS Foundation Trust (RA and SG)
    Impact of Ethnicity on Clozapine prescribing and monitoring in community mental health teams 
  • Runner up – Vlad Cucuiu 
    Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust 
    Review of antipsychotic prescribing for patients with Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia

Delegates Choice Award

This award was introduced for the first time in 2022.

  • Winner - Tania Alfaioli
    Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust
    Does Discharge Medicine Service (DMS) reduce re-admissions to mental health inpatients ward? 
  • Runner Up - Matthew Lines and Nicola Horan
    East London NHS Foundation Trust
    The development and application of prescribing safety indicators in inpatient mental health settings 

Foundation trainee pharmacist project award

  • Commended - Maariya Din
    South London and Maudsley NHS Trust
  • Commended - Khadeeja Ijaz 
    Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Pharmacy technician project award

  • Commended –  Jennifer Whitefoot
    Devon Partnership NHS Trust

Helen Tennant Award

This prize is awarded by the Board of Examiners of Aston University on behalf of the College of Mental Health Pharmacy in memory of Helen Tennant, a keen and active member of the Group, who was in the first cohort of mental health pharmacists to gain the Diploma in Psychiatric Pharmacy from Aston University in 2001.  

It is awarded each year to the student with the best overall performance in the Postgraduate Diploma in Psychiatric Pharmacy at Aston University.

  • Winner -  Yasmin Majeed
    Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust

Celia Feetam Memorial Award 

Aston University created this award in 2018 to recognise the student with the best overall performance in the postgraduate Certificate in Psychiatric Therapeutics each year.  The Celia Feetam Award was named in recognition of the extensive and valued contribution made by Celia to the higher education of so many specialist pharmacists.

Since Celia sadly passed away in 2021, and in her memory the College of Mental Health Pharmacy and Aston have agreed that this award will be adopted from 2022 onwards by CMHP.  It will be called the Celia Feetam Memorial Award and will be awarded by CMHP to the highest performing certificate student each year.

  • Winner - Sarah Pilgrim
    Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust

The awards were presented by CMHP President Roz Gittins. She said: 

“The oral and poster presentations demonstrated that the show goes on – so many pharmacy colleagues somehow managed to continue to progress mental health pharmacy research in spite of the pandemic. Huge congratulations to everyone who presented regardless of whether they were successful in receiving an award.”