Impact of COVID-19 on CMHP meetings, courses and events

We have written to our members today to advise that, unfortunately, like so many other organisations, we are having to postpone a number of planned events and scheduled activity.

This includes our international conference which had been planned for October in addition to Psych 2 and Psych Techs. The changes include:

  • Spring vivas for credentialing - postponed
  • Psych Techs - postponed from 24 April until later in the year (to be confirmed).
  • Psych 2 - postponed from June until later in the year (to be confirmed)
  • CMHP Conference 2020 - cancelled. Dates for 2021 to be confirmed.
  • CMHP Annual General Meeting. As this usually takes place during conference, arrangements for 2020 are still under review.

Thank you for your patience while we put alternative arrangements in place. Those directly affected by rescheduled activity have been contacted. Of course this is a testing time for everyone involved in the health sector and our thoughts are with those who are unwell and their loved ones.