Pharmacy technician project award

This award is for pharmacy technicians and pre-registration trainee pharmacy technicians (PTPTs) completing a mental health related pharmacy research or audit project during their pre-registration training course or within the first five years of practice as a registered pharmacy technician (in any sector of pharmacy - hospital, community, GP practice, for example).

The award includes attendance at our annual conference, with accommodation and reasonable travel costs included, and two years CMHP membership. The award will be made to a winner and runner up.  In addition, the winner will receive a prize award of £100.

Applications are invited for the 2025 Pharmacy Technician Project Award.

Closing Date: 12pm on 27 June 2025


The project must have been undertaken either during the applicant’s pre-registration training course or within the first five years of practice as a registered pharmacy technician. It can be undertaken in any sector of pharmacy, including community, hospital, primary care, academia and industry.

Eligible projects must be wholly or mainly about a subject related to the practice of mental health pharmacy. The work must have been undertaken entirely by the applicant; although the project may have been supervised. The applicant must have undertaken the project in the past two years.

Applicants must be willing to submit their project as a poster at the CMHP Annual Conference (in October). Winning abstracts may be shared by CMHP with the wider membership.

Process of application

Please pay attention to the requirements when constructing your report and take care to complete all sections.

For your application to be considered, reports must be provided with a covering letter that states all the following in order:

  • The full title of your project
  • Your details
    • full name
    • home or work address (that will be valid after 1st September)
    • correspondence email address (that will be valid after 1st September)
    • telephone/mobile number
  • The address(es) of the establishment(s) where the project was undertaken/where the data were collected
  • The name, address and email address of the supervisor or tutor for the project and all other co-applicants as appropriate
  • A statement confirming that you undertook the work yourself without assistance other than that of a supervisor or tutor
  • A statement acknowledging that you are willing to present your project as a poster at the CMHP Annual Conference.
  • A signed and dated declaration from your supervisor or tutor that the report is of publication standard and quality.

We recommend you use the report structure and sub-headings described below and we ask that the overall 1500 word count is not exceeded – this includes the 350 word count for the abstract.

The abstract and then subsequent report should be included that follows the IMRAD format (Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion). You should also reference your report accordingly using Vancouver style referencing.

The abstract should summarise the study, so as to be comprehensible by an external reader. It should identify key findings, include actual numerical data from findings (if appropriate) and draws insightful implications of the research.

Before submitting your abstract, please read the Guidelines for project award abstract submissions 2025.


A panel of three judges will consider the applications anonymously. The decision of the judges is final; no communications will be entered into.

The award

An award will be made to a winner and runner up. The winner and runner-up are usually notified by 1 September.

The award, which is funded by the CMHP, will enable attendance at the CMHP Annual Conference, where the award will be presented. All accommodation and reasonable travel costs will be funded as part of the bursary. Two years membership to the CMHP will also be provided. The award is not transferable, and no cash alternative is available.

Previous winners

2024: Sara Young, NHS Tayside: Lithium monitoring: Are patients treated under shared care agreements being reviewed/ monitored in accordance to national guidance?

2023: Millie Sterry, Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust: How can we enhance the role of pharmacy technicians within the mental health sector

2021-2022: No award made

2020: Not offered

2013-2019: No award made

2012: Joanne Woodward, Five Borough Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, for “Antipsychotics in dementia: Are patients treated under shared care arrangements being reviewed in accordance with national guidance”.